Katrice Farley

Work Birmingham AL Work Phone: 205-690-2259Website: Taurus Earth


Photo of Katrice Farley


I’m Katrice a married homeschooling mother of three beautiful babies. Every since I was a little girl I knew that I wanted to help people live healthier lives. It wasn’t until I was a wife and mother that I realized that I wanted to solely focus on helping women. What started as a journey to seeking something that would help to heal other women, became the journey to heal myself. I know you may say how can you want to help others before helping yourself, Right! It was in this moment of becoming a womb sauna practitioner that I was challenged with having to go deep within and actually tell my story because I’m facilitating this to other women. If you would like to know more about me and my story then visit me at Taurus Earth.

Servicing the Birmingham, AL area and surrounding areas