Kimberly Gibson

Work 565 Walton Avenue Bronx NY 10451 Work Phone: 917-496-8256


Photo of Kimberly Gibson

Kimberly GadsonGreetings everyone, MammaDoulas love supporting women through the whole birth process (prenatal, birth, postnatal).

I am a Certified CD(DONA) Birth Doula, (ASDS) Postpartum Doula, (CLC) Certified Lactation Counselor, Certified (Full Circle) Placenta Encapsulator, Certified (WSP) Womb Sauna Practitioner, Certified (INDIGMAMA) It’s A Cerrar las Caderas: Mexican Traditional Medicine Herb and Rebozo Traditions, Certified in Adult and Infant CPR, (INDIGMAMA) Womb Massage.

I am also a Young Living distributor and a Seanjari Preeti Pearls distributor.

Services are offered in Manhattan, Bronx, and Brooklyn but not limited to “in sales” of Seanjari Preeti Pearls and Young Living Products to all of U.S.